eTwinning, iConnected: Feedback from the project Empathy and Social Media
Julkaistu: 26.02.2020 klo 14.12
Trångårdskolen and the second year students of our school have been working together during this school year. Marie Loiuse Pertersen, Hanna Viippola, Sari Lantto and Mirjami Hyttinen have worked in this project. Here is the feedback of our students about the project.
What did I learn in this project?
• More about the rules you should follow while using social media
• I learned how to behave in social media.
• I learned that don´t say things in internet to other people that you can not say to person face to face
• I learned how to use social media. You have to be careful when write something with your own identitety.
• I learned that you should treat others as you would like to be treated.
• I learned more about homophobia and online behavior. I liked this project a lot.
• I learned that you cant believe everything you see online
• I learned how to behave myself better in social media
• I learned that even if you have problems it always have way out
• Remember to use common sense
• I got more courage to speak English
• Just be friendly!
• Be nice
• I learned to know new people
• I learned that I should act nicely and respect others values.
• Respect others
• I learned that I should act nicely and respect others values.
• Our discussios went very well. We had technical problems only once.
• The project was nice
• There were young people in Denmark
• Be careful what you write or say online
• Our discussions went very well and it was nice to work together.
• This has been a nice project but it was kinda messy. I think this project was a good experience for younger. I didn’t learn much new things but it’s always important speak about hate speech and different sexualities.
Feedback from the Danish students:
• If you hate speech some get sad and it's bullying if you use hate speech
• You are not allowed to go to others' profiles and write something ugly
• We're surprised to learn that there is so much hate speech
• We must report comments if they are hateful
• Gender respect
• About hate speech on social media
• We can report hate speech
• We have learned about the LGBTQ+ community
• Transgender people and the process of changing
• How different people deal with hate speech
• You might hurt people if you do hate speech
• A lot of hate speech is about sexual orientation and racism
• It is not okay to do hate speech
• Some people get sick or kill themselves
• You have to accept other people's genders and their sexuality
• You're not allowed to hate speech on social media
• We could do a presentation that could be understood
• It was fun to do the kahoot.
• There is a lot of snow in Finland!
Marie-Louise, thank you very much for the collaboration in this project! We have enjoyed working with you and your students!
Pictures and text Mirjami Hyttinen